Saturday, July 19, 2014

Beanie Glitch

Hey Jammers! I have found a glitch that concerns one of our very favorite types of hats...THE BEANIE. If you wear any beanie (I've tried it with different colors) on a penguin, the color of the beanie will change when the penguin breathes in during it's little nap.

I know these are very blurry, but this is what the penguin looks like when it starts sleeping...
and this is how it looks mid breath...

before it returns to normal. I'm not sure if it happens on other animals, but I know it doesn't work on the bunny. If you want to try this glitch out and see if it works on other animals, email me the results at and your results/pictures could be featured in a future blog post. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Carnival :D

Hey Jammers! Hyena plushies still aren't out yet, so until then all of my posts will be about weird little things in Jamaa. Lately, I've spending a lot of time at the Summer Carnival. You know that one game, Carnival Darts? One of my techniques for playing that game is to shoot at all the balloons with the letters of "Phantom". Recently, I was able to hit all of those lettered balloons, and apparently you get 10,000 points if you do!
Although you can't see what it looks like in the game after you spell "Phantom", that's how I got such a high score :P Another thing I noticed was that in Dunk-A-Phantom, sometimes you can dunk a golden phantom and that is the score multiplier in that game (golden phantoms in Whack-A-Phantom, golden candies in Candy Catch, and rolling the ball into the highlighted ring in Phantom Ball are also score multipliers). This just was a little tangent about the Summer Carnival because I was bored ;)  The Plushie Comparison page will once again be updated because I'm really bored I've gotten several good reviews :P Have fun Jammers!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Things around Jamaa that have little relevance to the plushie world!

YEAH! Not too much happening with plushies right now. We're all still waiting for hyena plushies ( a lot of people have said the hyena is ugly...I wonder what their plushie counterparts will look like!). Anyways, I got a screenshot for when I got the gift on the daily spin. Check it out!

I was really excited and thought that even if the gifts weren't super rares such as medusa masks or rare halloween masks, that it would at least be small monday rares. Well I was wrong! I got some colored store bought items (or maybe they left...I can't keep up with all the items leaving stores!). Maybe this just happened with me, so if you've gotten the gift on the daily spin, let me know what you got! Finally, I took a little trip around to the diamond shop and noticed that the giant eagle plushie is still nowhere to be found! How strange! I'm also pretty bored this summer, so I think I will do a comparison between some types of pets and their animal counterparts over on the Plushie Comparison page. This will happen in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Plushie Comparison Page!

Yay, that page is pretty much done! It would help me so much if anyone could find or send me a pic of a giant bunny plushie, giant rhino, or giant seal. Kudos to you if you saw that page before I announced it, it's been up for two days XD

Friday, April 18, 2014


Hey Jammers! My new official plushie store is up in Storebot's den. All plushies are for sale, including ones on the blue rug, except for the ones on the table. The ones on the table will be reserved plushies. Also, I will start putting up a comparison page that includes giant and small plushies, I think it'll turn out really cool! Check out the new store and watch out for a new page coming up soon!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Update #8- Because I'm HAPPY~

YAY!!!!!!!!!! The arctic wolf set will be up soon :3 I will update the sales page with any extra new plushies I have in order to help you guys complete your collections :D

In other new, I will be moving my unofficial store to a different account very soon, and I'll update when I have that done. I just don't have enough inventory slots DX Good luck as always, jammers!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Update Lucky #7- 11/12 of the way there! :3

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I got the purple cheetah!
OMZ! I traded a green worn for it, which isn't terrible compared to some greedy collectors (but my readers are never greedy, you guys are the best!) The cheetah set pic will go up shortly. I have one more to go, but it's also pretty mysterious. The green arctic wolf plushie is not common AT ALL. I have seen a lot more purple cheetahs, it's just that they are some how considered more rare than green arctics? I don't know, I've only seen one person who had the green arctic wolf 0_0. How are you guys doing with your collections? Let me know in the comments :3