Saturday, December 14, 2013



I got all of the rare deer plushies :) They're all so cute. I'll also put the picture in the rare plushie section :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hey Jammers!

Yay! Deer plushies are here! So far, for the rare ones, I've seen a blue one in a gift box, and a green one with a beanie sitting on a rug. I've updated the plushie trees because I got the deer plushies! Let me know if you see the third rare deer!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Switching Animals

Hey Jammers! I'm sorry that not all of the posts are about plushies, but there's not a lot going on in the plushie world! Anyways, my main animal on Animal Jam is a bunny, but I also used to have a penguin to get underwater items. But the wolf displays clothing items the best, so I had to delete my penguin to get a wolf. Is it just me, or do other people think nonmembers should have at least one more animal slot? Leave a comment with your opinion.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

There's a Jam-a-Gram limit?

So yesterday, I was jam-a-graming some of my buddies, when there was a window thing that said: you have reached your jam-a-gram limit with _____ today. I wonder why there is a limit?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It isn't rigged!

Hey Jammers! So many nonmembers have asked around Jamaa if the daily spin wheel is rigged to not be able to get a diamond. Well I'm not sure if this is entirely true because somehow I got 3 diamonds from the wheel :) . I hope this happens more often because now nonmembers have something to buy in the diamond shop!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Plushies?!?!?! I don't know if you guys know this, but the Diamond Shop now has a giant kangaroo plushie that is nonmember! If only nonmembers had diamonds.....I wonder if there are going to be more giant plushies or mini plushies coming soon?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Plushies?.....or not...

Hey Jammers!

I'm not sure if you guys thought this, but when I heard that kangaroos were coming out, I thought there would be kangaroo plushies. Well, there are no new plushies, so I've come up with a couple theories why they haven't come out.

1. Since Kangaroos are only sold in the Diamond Shop, AJ won't release a new plushie for it. This is true for the other animals sold in the Diamond Shop (except for the lion).

2. AJ hasn't had time to make new plushies.

3. AJ realizes that jammers are mainly focused on getting rare and not on collecting plushies. Many of the more famous jammers do not see rare plushies as rare anymore, so it's likely they have lost interest. I know that you guys are still interested in plushies, and I hope that #1 is the reason why kangaroo plushies haven't come out yet.

Feel free to comment your own theories why kangaroo, arctic wolf, and snow leopard plushies have not come out yet.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm Walking on Sunshine :D

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it! I got the full set of sidekix! All by trading!

:D I named my sidekix after the Alphas. 
Tiger- Sir Gilbert
Panda- Liza
Bunny- Peck
Penguin- Marco
Fox- Amelia
Croco- Cornelius
Giraffe- Edmund ( pink giraffe?!?!??!)
Wolf- Greely

Saturday, August 10, 2013


I am SOOOOOOO Psyched! I got 2 more!!!! Now I only need the wolf to complete the collection!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bunny Sidekix!



Hey everyone!

I'm back from a month long holiday!
Anyways...I've got more pictures of sidekix because I traded my tiger for a fox and then for a penguin.

More good news is that I completed the freedom plushie set! Those pics will go up soon. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Panda Sidekix :D

Yeah! I got a panda sidekix :)

I probably over traded for it; I traded freedom bands and a pirate lion plushie. Oh well. What do you guys think is worth a sidekix plushie?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I am currently in the process of cleaning out my buddy list so I can have some new ones :)
There's a glitch that happens if you send me a buddy request when we're not on at the same time, so please don't feel offended or confused if your buddy request doesn't seem to go through. Thanks for all the buddy requests jammers!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Animal Jam

BTW, my username on animal jam is tall006.
I also have extra accounts. They are tall0066 and xXHKXx

[EDIT] xXHKXx is shared by me and my friend, so always ask who is playing on that account before you trade.

Welcome :3

Hey Jammers!

This is where you can trade for and find info on plushies! Pages will be up soon!