
This is where you can list what plushies you would like to trade. Just list your username, what you want, and what you will trade.


Username: tall006
Wants:  Red Elephant Plushies (I will only trade monday rares and rare plushies for them), new hyenas (when they come), den betas?
Will Trade: Assorted rare plushies, random den and clothing items, assorted monday rares, assorted seasonal rares, and whatever else I may find on my spare accounts. Just ask me!
Have Fun trading!

Username: Lpiggy
Wants: Any of the new rare plushies, blue raccoon, and king lion plushie
Will Trade: Plushies from storage accounts, rare clothing

Username: birdy12447
Wants: Blue kangaroo plushies (and the new hyenas)
Will Trade: Come find me if you're willing to trade

Username: arthop
Wants: Eagle plushie with viking hat
Will Trade: Nonmember pirate sword

Username: 666848
Wants: Rare deer or eagle plushies
Will Trade: Older rare plushies, some moday rares

Username: doctorwhotardis118
Wants: Cape raccoon plushie
Will Trade: A phantom plushie, older rare plushies

Username: xMuddyBugx
Wants: Gray rhino plushie
Will Trade: Red lion plushie, red snow leopard plushie, blue lollipop necklace

Username: horsenova
Wants: Ice cream snow leopard plushie
Will Trade: Rare worn, rare nm mech wings

Username: princesstigerstripes
Wants: Any type of tiger or cheetah plushie
Will Trade: Any good things such as carnival items, or maybe adventure items

Username: toffieapple2
Wants: White kangaroo and blue with rainbow socks kangaroo plushies, as well as black and orange with a flower koala plushies
Will Trade: Any non-kangaroo or non-koala plushies

Username: fluffyface24
Wants: Preferably new rare plushies, but older and non rare ones are wanted as well, specifically ice cream snow leopard and mustache with glasses lion plushie
Will Trade: Monday rares, other rare plushies, unwanted items, normal lion with rare frankenstein mask for a rare lions and specific plushies listed above

Username: Littlemixaregreat
Wants: King lion, ice cream snow leopard, airplane and superhero cheetah plushies, as well as multicolored large kangaroo plushies that I do not currently have in my den, and a snow cloud
Will Trade: Rares, such as worns for those rarer plushies

Username: plushies13177
Wants: Hyena plushies and ice cream snow leopard plushie
Will Trade: Rares such as worns and lion plushies

Username: midnightisfluffy
Wants: Phantom plushies, any cat or wildcat plushies, rare plushies
Will Trade: Assorted rares

Username: Tomlinson308
Wants: Top hat penguin and yellow dragon giraffe plushie
Will Trade: Black Jammaliday Scarf and other Monday rares


  1. Hi!
    Username: Lpiggy
    Wants: King Lion Plushie, Sneaker Fox plushie, any rare deer plushies, Bib and spoon raccoon plushie, Cape raccoon, and any Sidekix plushie besides the panda (I have it)
    Will Trade: Plushies from a storage accounts, previous Rare Item Mondays, Member carnival plushies, and member Carnival clothes

    :) Thanks!

    1. Username: teatea44998
      Wants: Giant raccoon, purple snowleopard
      Will trade: Rares, den betas(1or2), rare plushies, and anything else from storage

    2. Hi!
      Username is Meduusah
      Wants any owl plushies
      Will trade any other plushies besides Chicken hat wolf and T-shirt cheetah

    3. I have a rare raccoon plushie! My username is Lstt32 :D
      Jag me if you still want it :)

  2. Username: birdy12447
    Wants: Eagle plushie with spoon, fork, and bib.
    Will Trade: Whatevers on my trade, Jam-A-Gram me!

    I really need it for my collection D:

  3. Username: arthop
    Wants: eagle with viking
    Will trade: nm sword.

    1. Dude no need for nm sword there worth fox hats.......

    2. username:princesstigerstripes
      wants:any type of tiger or cheetah
      will trade any good things i have carnival sun hat carnival plushies and maybe
      an adventure rare

    3. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    4. OMG A NON MEMBER SWORD????? PLZ PLZ PLZ WAT FOR IT BESIDES EAGLE??? I DONT HAVE AN EAGLE BUT I RLLY WANT A NM SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Username: 666848
    Wants: rare eagle or rare deer plushies
    Will trade: monday rares, older rare plushies. Jamagram me is you have anything

    1. I might accept that trade for my rare eagle...
      User: Doodlebug485

  6. Username: birdy12447
    Wants: New Rare Plushies
    Will Trade: Other New plushies and rare ones too! (I got green arctic wolf!)

    1. Look at my den :D I have some rare plushies you can choose from. Just jag me if you want any. My username is jammingammin XD

  7. Username: birdy12447
    Wants: Rare plushies (mostly newer ones)
    Will Trade: Other Rare plushies, or den clothing

  8. User: doctorwhotardis118
    wants: the raccoon with the cape and the yellow raccoon
    will trade for: a phantom plushie, a few older rare three plushies...

  9. User: xMuddyBugx
    Wants: Grey Rhino plushie and/or Brown eagle plushie (I'm trying to collect all the "normal"/Default/Avatar-matching plushies)
    Will Trade For: Red Lion plushie, Red snow leopard Plushie, Blue lollipop necklace

    1. Hi, i can give you a gray rhino if you'd like! My user is Lpiggy, so if you wanna trade just tell me :)

    2. I have both Grey Rhino and Brown Eagle, so jag me, my user is puffglove.

  10. User: Lpiggy
    Wants: Rare snow leopard plushies, Rare eagle plushies, blue raccoon, rare arctic wolf plushies, rare cheetah plushies, rare kangaroo plushies, king lion plushie
    Will Trade: Plushies from storage accounts, Rare clothing

  11. (Its me, birdy!!!)

    User: Birdy12447
    Wants: Blue kangaroo plushies, and rare Hyena plushies when they come out!
    Will trade: Well It really depends just see me!

  12. User: horsenova
    Wants: Ice Cream Snow Leopard plushie
    Will Trade: Rare Worn, Rare nm mech angel wings

  13. Username: Faolan42
    Wants: Hobo Snow Leopard Plushie
    Will Trade: Scary Bat Wings (rare), Giraffe Plushie with sock
    Jam-A-Gram me if it's a deal!

  14. I am Faolan42, and I recently got the snow leopard plushie that I wanted. :) There is no need to trade me anymore.

  15. Username: toffieapple2
    Wants: White &Blue with rainbow Kangaroo plushies & Black & Orange with flower plushies.
    Will Trade: Any other plushies (besides my koalas and kangaroos).

    1. username:fluffyface24
      wants:pefirably rare new plushies but non rare and rare old plushies will do
      will trade:monday rares other plushies unwanted clothing/den items

    2. I'm jammingammin and I have a koala flower plushie :O Just jag me if you want it!

  16. user name:fluffyface24
    wants:ice cream snow leopard or moustash lion
    will trade:rare frankin stein mask and a monday rare

  17. Username:Littlemixaregreat
    Wants: Lion King, Ice cream snow leopard, aeroplane cheetah, superman cheetah.
    Will trade: Rares, such as worns and more!
    Also wants: Purle big kangaroo plushie and different colours than the ones in my den. And another snow cloud for my rain cloud.
    Thanks, just meesage me lets trade and add me! Visit my den! Toodles!

  18. username : plushies13177
    wants : hyena plushies ( when they come out ) and snow leopard icecream plushie
    will trade: rares like worns and lion plushies

    1. I have a hyena plushie :D
      My user is jammingammin

  19. Anonymous
    username: midnightisfluffy
    wants: phantom plushies, any cat or wild cat plushies, rare plushies
    will trade: assorted rares

  20. I will trade you midnightisfluffy! im allways on line my name is balloongoon.

  21. well I don't know but im sure ill try to do my best.

  22. Username: Tomlinson308
    Wants: Penguin With Hat and Yellow Giraffe With Wings
    Will Trade: Black Jamaaliday Scarf and Monday Rares

  23. Username: commanderARTA0922
    I have some plushies of your choice.
    Jam-a-gram me if you are interested. :)

  24. username:Catloveryay
    wants: A snow leopard plushie with the ice cream hat :D
    Will trade:any rares i can find, bittersweet items and maybe if i can find a small beta that too :D
    Just jag me if you are interested

  25. username:fatema52
    AM trading: just check out my den,u may find something that interests you,then jag me which plushie you want.

  26. Username: KittyDog1209
    Wants: Any nm plushies not in my den(come check, it's not locked)
    Will Trade: Anything in my trade*jam-a-gram me when you get on ;)*

    P.S Sorry I don't have many to trade, I only trade doubles...

  27. Username: iEevee
    Wants: Blue kangaroo with rainbow socks
    Will Trade: 4 rares

  28. username: nicolewood
    wants: any rare plushie thats not in my den especially green icecream snow leopord small carnival plshies
    will trade: miscellaneus plushies from other acounts or sweet treats adventure prizes

  29. Username:Princessgemlover
    Wants:A rare cheetah plushie that's brown with a green cape on it
    Will trade:Any plushie i have in my inventory and a clover bracelet :P

  30. username: mcducke
    wants: any rare plushie (with clothes) or a small yellow ducky plushie
    will trade: anything thti have that I don't want, and for the ducky, a small dog plushie(normal) or a freedom small bunny plushie or a small (normal) owl plushie I WANT DAT DUCKY PLLLLZ

  31. username: chloedog22
    wants: red giraffe
    Will trade: other giraffe plushies and rhino plushies.
    Jam-A-gram me when you get on if your willing to trade!

  32. User: wildfire1248
    Wants: an epic wolf plushie and the lion king
    Will trade: rare rhino helmet for the epic wolf and a rare fox hat for the epic wolf
    Jam- A- Gram me if deal. Thanks!

  33. User: Doodlebug485
    Wants: Red arctic wolf plush and Green snow leopard
    Will trade: Beta scary antlers for Arctic and Rare scary elf bracelets for Green snow leopard
    Jam-A-Gram me if you accept the trade. Thanks a bunch!

  34. User: crayonpop101
    Wants: Green snow leopard ice cream plushie
    Will Trade: A Pink Fox Hat
    Jam-A-Gram me if it's on. TOODLES!

  35. Username:puzzle11fashion2014
    Wants:pink tutu tiger,pink tiara seal,pink antannae wolf,purple rhino lacey bow,rainbow blue kangaroo,pink tiara panda.
    Will Trade:some plushies or maybe some clothing or maybe some things that above 150 gems.

    1. Was wondering if you've got them plushies, because if not, I have most of them. Jag me at RoseSilver1716 if deal :)

  36. i have some plushies to trade, i have a variety, my user is maya81551

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Username: Ajaj91503
    Wants: Rare Plushies Beta Plushies and lion plushies

  39. Username: Plushieranger
    Wants: Green cheetah plushie, it has a scoop of ice-cream on it's head. NOT A CHEETAH
    Will Trade: Other snow leopard plushie's, rare pigtails, and other Rare Item Mondays

  40. Username: pacmananimaljam
    Wants: Icecream snow leopard, owl plushies and other rares
    Will Trade: Rare Clothing, depending on what u will give me

    1. I was just wondering if you had gotten the plushies you wanted, because I myself have quite a few owl plushies I can trade you. I have the following colors: Black, white, blue, red, pink and green. Jag Lex419 if you are interested in trading for them!

  41. Username: hpotterfangirl101
    Wants: Ice-Cream Snow Leopard
    Will Trade: Gingerbread Wings, Rare Camo Jacket, Rare Reindeer Slippers, other plushies

  42. Username: pennyandsofie
    wants: lion with eyepatch, lion king, peinguin with top hat, fox with afro, tiger with bling, and theevil dragon giraffe thing.
    Will trade: worns, other clothing, etc
    TYSM! -pennyandsofie

    1. oh! wait! instead of the fox with afro, i would like the fox with the propeller hat, and the snowlepord who is a hobo. tysm!

    2. :) I have the penguin and pirate lion, I'm jammingammin.

    3. I have the lion king, and I will trade any color short spiked collar for it. JAG me if deal.

  43. username:coinc72567 wants:camis frog i will trade anything for it

  44. Username:: Lex419
    Wants:: Red Rhino (with spikes), Yellow giraffe (With wings) and brown arctic wolf.
    Will trade:: Green kangaroo (With hat), 2 Purple elephants (With tusks), black Eagle (With Mohawk), Pink horse (With strawberry on head)
    Jag me "Happy birthday" If you have either of these plushies! Thank you .w.

  45. my username is divinedarling
    i would like any rare plushie and i have rares in my trade
    jag me if yes

  46. Username : Rosesilver1716
    Wants : Any special plushies
    Will trade : 2 plushies for one or 1 or 2 rims
    Jag me happy birthday if deal! Thanks :3

  47. Username: Lstt2
    Wants: Deer with present box, arctic wolf with tail armor, orange rhino plushie, snow leopard with unicorn horn.
    Will trade: Any 2-3 plushies from bearjam30's den.

    1. Change that to jammingammin, sorry.

  48. Im magical mochi
    wants: any rare plushie is ok as long as it is acctualy rare not just a normal one

    1. Im magical mochi
      wants: any rare plushie is ok as long as it is acctualy rare not just a normal one
      will trade for anything on trade list one item for one item only

    2. by rare do you mean a plushie with clothes?

  49. Username: Cinder189
    Wants: Large freedom ducky plushie
    Will trade: bow and arrows, mech angel helmet, feathered mask, top hat, diamond shop long bow, and a silver ring
    Yes, all of that for a ducky.
    Jag me if you have this plushie

  50. Username: elliedlove
    Wants: blue giraffe with cast
    Will trade: rare Jamaaliday top hat

  51. Username: sassylittlebunny
    Wants: giant arctic wolf plushies, show me first
    Will trade: alot of normal and maybe a few rare arctic wolf plushies from spare account.
