Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'm too fast...

YAY! I got all the eagle plushies (I can just feel all you guys yelling at me DX). I couldn't have gotten them so fast without the help of my buddies (giving fair trades instead of those greedy beta trades) and my luck with the claw! I do have some non-rare eagle plushies so if you catch me around Jamaa, I will offer them for (hopefully) less than what others will.
I have heard around Jamaa that AJHQ is releasing a new animal plushie every couple of weeks or so. This is good/bad news because we have to wait for more cool plushies, but we also have time to catch up on eagles! Stay cool plushie collectors!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rare Eagles Found

EAGLE PLUSHIES HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED (though the others are still not...)
I got a black one in the claw :3
And this one was is from my buddy's den
And this one was on someone's trade list
Please send me pics if you see other plushies that are not eagles or the old ones :D

Birdy12447 has sent in this one combining the two above and some more! She got them faster then me, but I didn't check my email until after DX. 
I really like this pic! Thanks Birdy12447!

The plushie trees have been updated with eagle plushies.

Friday, March 7, 2014

New Plushies?

Hey Jammers! Check out the claw! THERE ARE NEW PLUSHIES! If anyone gets a pic of any of the new plushies, I would appreciate it if you could send it to me. That's all the time I have for now!